Approved by UCMSRC Executive Committee on August 12/04
"Comparative Legislative Review on Underground Coal Mining Safety & Health"
Composition of Project Team:
- Chair: Gary Bonnell
- Coordinator: Dave Forrester
- Members: Peter Cain, Gary Corbett, Kresho Galovich, Bobby Gillis, Don
Hindy, George Klinowski, Wayne Rogers, Ed Taje, Pleman Woodland, Dave Young
- A representative from Labour: Bobby Gillis
- Comparative review of Canadian legislation and international references
- Identify commonalities and principal differences
- Explain regional differences (as applicable)
- Prepare as a deliverable Summary Report
- Working Group
- Agree composition (see above)
- August 12/04
- A Legislative Review
- Complete a review of Canadian regulations and references [BC, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Federal (CBDC)]
- by September 30/04
- Complete a review of US CFR 30 against the Canadian review
- by October 31/04
- Analysis of Review
- Identify commonalities & differences
- by November 30/04
- Explain Regional Differences (as applicable)
- draft a summary comparative report
- by December 31/04
- Prepare and Distribute a Working Draft
- working draft to stakeholders,
- sent out by January 14/05
- feed-back by Feb 28/05
- Present an Update to the Chiefs
- finalize the draft for distribution
- by March 31/05
- for discussion at Chiefs Annual Meeting in May/05
DJF/GWB Aug 12/04
ANNEX - Project Schedule - Detailed Sub-tasks
1) Sub-tasks for the Legislative Review (ref. Proposal, Aug 12/04)
A Legislative Review
- review of Canadian regulations and references
- by September 30/04
- review US CFR 30 against the Canadian review
- by October 31/04
2) Sub-tasks for the Review of Canadian Regulations
Review of Canadian regulations and references
- Setting-up an excel spreadsheet format for the comparison
- P. Cain by August 31, 2004
- Inserting the basic headings and subheadings and Code references from
the Health, Safety & Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia, by
the B.C. Ministry of Energy & Mines - Mining Division, 2003
- P. Cain & D. Forrester by September 7, 2004
- Review the initial spreadsheet as a basis for subsequent comparison
- Working Group (G. Bonnell / P. Cain / G. Corbett / D. Forrester /
K.Galovich / B. Gillis / D. Hindy / W. Rogers / E.Taje / P. Woodland /
D. Young) by September 10, 2004
- Incorporation of agreed comments into spreadsheet
- D. Forrester by September 14, 2004
- Parallel insertion of text into the spreadsheet for Alberta, Nova Scotia and
Federal regulations
- G. Bonnell / G. Corbett / D. Young by October 1, 2004
- Review the Canadian spreadsheet as a basis for subsequent analysis
- Working Group (BC - K. Galovich / E. Taje; Alta - D. Hindy / P. Cain;
All - G. Bonnell / G. Corbett / D. Young; NS - P. Woodland / D. Forrester
/ B. Gillis; Fed - W. Rogers / D. Forrester / B. Gillis) by October 8, 2004
3) Sub-tasks for review US CFR 30
- Review US CFR 30 against the Canadian review
- by October 31/04
- Insertion of US CFR 30 of text into the spreadsheet
- G. Bonnell / G. Corbett / D. Young by October 22, 2004
- Review the North American (Canada+USA) spreadsheet as a basis for
subsequent analysis
- Working Group (K. Galovich / E. Taje / D. Hindy / P. Cain / G.
Bonnell / G. Corbett / D. Young / P. Woodland / D. Forrester) by
October 29, 2004
DJF Aug 31, 2004 (edited by GB Sept 22, 2004)